Tuesday, October 5, 2010

First day of work! (Oct 4, 2010)

We started work on Monday, Oct 4th. We spent the first day going through the induction process and getting laptops, etc. Deloitte has three floors in the 38 floor building and we are on the 25th floor. This is the client facing floor, so it is fancy (just like us, haha!). The whole floor is windows, which provides amazing panoramic views of the city. They also have a break room with Weeetabix and Nescafe haha!

View from 25th floor
Deloitte balcony
There is also a balcony that overlooks the water (and our new apartment). Apparently, they have BBQ's and happy hours out there sometimes, which I am really excited about it. We snuck out there for a minute to take a picture, but it didn't do it justice.

Pie Face!
There are cute coffee shops everywhere, which is awesome! The coffee drinks are called different things and I still have not figured them all out. A long black is an Americano, and I think a short black is just a really strong Americano! The cappuccinos seem more like lattes and then there is this thing called a flat white, which sounds like something between a latte and an Americano, but I still need to investigate more.  Pie Face appears to be a chain around the area and has incredible mini pot pie type things filled with all sorts of different things. You can get it "stacked," which means the out mashed mashes pies, topped with mashed potatoes and gravy on top of the pie. It sounds and looks bizarre, but it's delish and I will take everyone who visits me there!

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving your blog so keep updating when you can and I'm counting down the days!!!!
