Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bugs, wine, and crucks

Not surprisingly, Australia has a lot of seafood, some of which I have never heard of before. There is the barramundi (Brooke had this one night thought it was similar to flounder), sand whiting (described as a creamy white fish), and let's not forget Moreton Bay bugs! The bugs are not really bugs, thankfully, but crustaceans that hang out at the bottom on the water. There are two types of bugs, Balmain bugs and Moreton Bay bugs, and they are caught year round. I have not tried one , but a colleague said they were similar to lobster. I'm adding it to the list! 

One block away from our new apartment is a wonderful wine bar called, Bar Barossa. It has lots of wine from the Barossa Vally in South Australia and is very charming inside. This is where we went to celebrate signing the lease for our new apartment! Move in date is next Wednesday! They have an amazing menu of fancy combinations I've never had, such as Smoked Ocean Trout croquette with baby leaves, shaved fennel, pear salad with Hahndorf chutney--I had this and it was amazing. 

All over Brisbane you can see crucks --the half car, half truck combo from I think the 1970's in the US. They are everywhere! They have nice ones, sporty ones (that wish they were a Mustang), beat up ones, work's hilarious!

Last, but not least, there are these absolutely gorgeous trees all around Brisbane! They are called Jacarandas and bloom from around September to October'ish. Apparently, In October/November some sort of red tree then begins blooming, followed by a yellow one in the later months. It will be like living in a rainbow!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new apartment!! Hope the move-in went smoothly and you're loving it already.

    How hilarious that "crucks" are so popular over there! I totally remember those from my childhood and wow, they are weird!
